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The United Kingdom of Lunda Tchokwe World Wide Web Services, provides public access to information about the Nations of Lunda Tchokwe, its People, Organizations and general information of the Country. The L unda Tchokwe Territory borders where defined with the Treaty of the 25 of May 1891, rectified on the 24 of March 1894 and confirmed with the exchange of signatures on the 1 August 1894. The United Kingdom of Lunda Tchokwe is located in the Austro Equatorial Africa.
The United Kingdom of Lunda Tchokwe is proximate in size as Spain the Kingdom of Lunda Tchokwe has an area of 501,922 km2 compared to Spain that has an Area of 505,992 km2.
Map of Angola in 1884
Kingdom of Lunda Tchokwe 1889 Muata Yamvo's Kingdom
Austral Equatorial Africa
In 1885 the Berlin Conference decided that African territories should belong to those European nations that establish “effective occupation,” and they rejected Portugal’s claim to control the mouth of the Congo River. Major Henrique de Carvalho was sent to the Lunda, and he made treaties with Chiefs and the Lunda King.
Treaties & Conventions
Signed between the portuguese and the Lunda Tchokwe Kingdoms1885 , 23 February - Protectorate Treaty signed between Portugal e Mona Samba (Capenda)
1885 , 31 of October - Protectorate Treaty signed between Portugal and Caungula (Xá Muteba)
1886 , 2 of September - Protectorate Treaty signed between Portugal and Tchissengue and his Nobles Muananganas (Quiocos)
1886 , 1 December, Lucusse - Protectorate Treaty signed between Portugal and Muatianvua Ambinji Superior of the Calambas of Moxico
1887 , 18 of January - Protectorate Treaty signed between Portugal and the Imperial Royal Court of King MUATIÂNVUA
1890 - Agreement between Portugal and the Independent Free State of Kongo concerning the Lunda Territory
1891 - Treaty between the the Independent State of the Kongo and portugal, for the delimitations of their respective Spheres of sovereignty and influence in the Lunda Region. Signed in Lisbon on the 25 May 1891, rectified in Brussels on the 24 March 1894 and exchanged between the two nations on the 1 August 1894.
Between 1917 and 1920 the Portuguese finally occupied the Lunda region east of the Kwango River. Diamonds had been found in 1912, and in 1920 the Diamang company took power and gave the Portuguese Government 5% of the shares and was exempted on taxes and duties on imported equipment. Diamang soon recruited 10,000 workers.Treaty of Protectorate
Signed between Portugal and the Imperial Royal Court of King Muatianvua Mucanza 188718 January 1887 in the Court of Mussumba of King MUATIÂNVUA in the right shore of the Calanhi between the rivers Calanhi and Cajidixi in the lat. South of Equator 8º 21’ long. East of Gren223º 11’ and the altitude of 1:009 metres, in great session assembled the King Muatiânvua Mucanza with his Royal Court in Ambula a ceremonial square in front of his residence, in the shadow of 3 great monumental trees which symbolize the institution of the State of the Emperor King Muatianvua it was received in this local companied by the official emissaries of the Emperor King Muatianvua and of Lucuoquexe, the ambassador or Portugal the Portuguese Army major Henrique Augusto Dias de Carvalho which was followed by a portuguese interpreter António Bezerra, of me that I have been served as of secretary, employed by the expedition of José Faustino Samuel, and of António Rocha and his country men and companions of the Colony of which he is the chief in Luambata for the last 8 years in substitution of Lourenço Bezerra that he created 15 years ago and he removed from everything to Malange where he died 2 years ago: by Chiota master of ceremonies and the great Potentate Chief Muene Dinhinga: - we started then the firing of weapons in symbol of happiness for the arrival of the ambassador and after the exchange of greetings in the usual manner the ambassador was sited in a chair at the right of the Emperor King Muatianvua Mucanza that he was seated under the royal canopy in the golden gilded chair, a gift that the portuguese expedition brought, and after a reverenced silence it was read and singed the following:
Art. 1.º - The Muatiânvua and his court and the heirs of the present potentate chiefs, Muatas of Lucano declared: they will never recognise any other sovereignty other than that of portugal under the protectorate of which long ago their grand fathers placed all their territories by them governed and which constitute the State of Luanda and that they await that they be now occupied by the ambassador of his Majesty Fidelíssima.
Art. 2.º – It is considerate by the side of the portuguese government the present Muatas, Muenes and Monas, and all other Quilolos of High and Low Nobility, Chiefs of States and of smaller villages, all other dignitaries and Cacuatas and all their people has subjects of portugal, and the territories that they occupy or may acquire as integral part of the portuguese territories.
Art. 3.º – Each other shall be obliged to protect and allow the ways to the villages and to allow the freedom of commerce and of legal industry to all portuguese individuals or in possession of authorization or order granted by the Governor General of the Angolan Province, and to consent, to aid and to guarantee the establishment of missions, factories, of colonies, of military fortifications, of authorities and to facilitate the passage of scouts and portuguese travellers in your Territories.
Art. 4.º - The Emperor King Muatiânvua and his Royal Court will not consent that in any case and under no pretext the subject authorities of the Muatianvua , for as far it may be their dominions from the capital of the Kingdom permit the establishment in their lands of colonies, forces or agents not portuguese or under any other flag that may not be that of portugal, without the previous authorization of the delegates of the portuguese government in the Lunda, and until this will not present themselves, of the Governor General of Angola, nor can negotiate with foreigner or national any political concession of territories or power.
Art. 5.º – Compromises the Muatianvua and all the Potentate Chiefs Muastas and others his subjects not to make nor consent other to make in their territories human sacrifices, sell or exchange of people for articles of commerce or the payment of demands or penalties with people.
Art. 6.º – All subject authorities to the Muatianvua with his sanction, are obliged from now on to allow the passage, to give security and assistance to all merchants and other persons that in peace and orderly manner may have to cross or travel in your territories and villages, they must not request from them any taxes or levies to none who have been previously regulated and giving to the portuguese authorities or to any who represents it the nearest, without bad treatment, violence or ado, to person or persons strange to their country or tribe that are suspected of having committed any damage in their territories.
Art. 7.º – That all the Subjects of the King Muatianvua shall keep peace with the subject people and friends of portugal and with the portuguese, submitting the dissensions and the litigations when they arise and may be detrimental to the judgement of the portuguese authorities.
Art. 8.º – Portugal by its delegates or representatives recognizes all the present Chiefs and those in future will confirm all those who to them will succeed or that may be elevated to that category in accordance with the usages and costumes that may be confirmed by the King Muatianvua; and obliges to maintain the integrity of all his territories under his PROTECORATE and will respect and it will make it to be respected the usages and costumes while they are not modified by others that may be instituted for the same effects and more profitable to the land and its inhabitants.
Art. 9.º – When any complain be made, all will assist the authorities in the task to achieve it, be it against who it may with part or with all its war forces.
Art. 10.º – Recognised has it is Ianvo, common for Xa Madiamba elected by the Royal Court of King Muatianvua; the present Treaty before it is presented to the government of his majesty fidelíssima it will be submitted to his appreciation, and may he with Caungula and Muata Cumbana make yet any alterations they may see fit to obtain the PROTECTION that they ask to portugal, and can only have execution by the order of the government of his majesty and after the establishment of its delegates in the Lands of Lunda.
Calanhi the capital of the State of the King Muatianvua 18 of January 1887 by others has the procurators and placing them a + at the side of their names;
+ Muatianvua Mucanza
+ Suana Mulopo Umbala,
+ Lucuoquexe Palanga,
+ Muari Camina,
+ Suana Murunda,
+ Muene Dinhinga,
+ Canapumba Andunda,
+ Calala Catembo,
+ Muitia,
+ Muene Panda,
+ Cabatalata,
+ Paulo,
+ Adolpho,
+ Paulino of Loanda,
+ António Martins,
+ Domingos Simão of Ambaca,and signed António da Rocha, José Rodrigues da Cruz, António Bezerra of Lisboa, Agostinho Alexandre Bezerra, João Pedro da Silva, Henrique Augusto Dias de Carvalho the Chief of the Portuguese Expedition to the Court of the Muatianvua, and at last me José Faustino Samuel who wrote it. It is in conformity and from it, it has been made two copies one of which it was left to the King Muatianvua, which was given to Camexi to present to Xa-Madiamba and the original that will be sent to the government of his Majesty Fidelíssima.
José Faustino Samuel, Serving as Secretary
Reino Unido Lunda Tchokwe
África Austral Equatorial
As Fronteiras da Nação Lunda Tchokwe foram defendias com o Tratado de 25 de Maio de 1891, sucessivamente rectificado no dia 24 de Março de 1894, e confirmado com as assinaturas no dia 1 Agosto de 1894TCHIFUDJI TCHA WANANGANA WA LUNDA TCHOKWE
The Royal Court of the United Kingdom of Lunda Tchokwe, in the Authority of His Sovereign Majesty
HRH the King Carlos Manuel Muatchissengue Watembo
Government United Kingdom of Lunda Tchokwe
Governo do Reino Unido Lunda Tchokwe
Government departments and their ministers:Rt Hon Eng. José Mateus Zecamutchima, Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service
Rt Hon Domingos Manuel Muatoyo, Deputy Prime Minister
Rt Hon José da Silva , Secretary of State
Rt Hon Júnior Betinho Cassoca, Minister of State
HOME OFFICERt Hon Dr. José Alberto Cupumbu, Secretary for the Home Department
Rt Hon Paulina Jacinta Massolo, Minister for Women and Equalities
Rt Hon Bernardo N. Muacapenda, Minister of State for Immigration
Rt Hon Dr.º Kaita Tembo Chantal , Secretary of State for Native CommunitiesDEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE MEDIA AND SPORT
Rt Hon Eng.º Cavula Muautende M. , Secretary of State for Tourism and CultureRt Hon D. H. Samujaia , Minister for Media, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
Rt Hon Manuel José Ipanga, Minister for Youth and Sport
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONRt Hon Dr.º Jafredo Muamuchico Muecheno, Secretary of State for Education
Rt Hon Eng.º Manuel Tchivaco Yambissa, Secretary of State of Industry and Mines
Rt Hon Dr.º Carlos Filipe Mulopo, Secretary of State for Justice
DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRSRt Hon Eng.º Cavanda J. Lunda , Secretary of State for Agriculture
Rt Hon Domingos Mussulo Salomão, Minister for Agriculture
Rt Hon Andrada Futxieca, Minister for Rivers, Fisheries and Aquaculture
DEPARTMENT FOR BUSINESS INNOVATION AND SKILLSRt Hon Eng.º Chikamba Chinhama, Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Telecommunications
Rt Hon Drª Odeth da Conceição Beatriz, Secretary of State of the Treasury
Rt Hon Impunga Samba Matxaxi, Chief Secretary to the Treasury,
Minister of State for Economic PolicyFOREIGN OFFICE
Rt Hon Eng. Gideão dos Santos Muatchyavua, Secretary for Foreign Affairs
DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION AND PUBLIC WORKSRt Hon Dr.º Bartolomeu Tchipamba Hilário, Secretary of State for National Construction and Public Works
Rt Hon Osvaldo Ihanjika, Ambassador to the Seat of the European Union, Brussels
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom of Lunda TchokweUNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Rt Hon Michael Johnson, High Commissioner to the United States of America
Rt Hon Impunga Samba Matxaxi, High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
Rt Hon D. J. C. , High Commissioner to Island
Rt Hon Eng.º Cavanda J. Lunda , High Commissioner to Canada
Rt Hon Eng.º Chikamba Chinhama, High Commissioner to South Africa
E-mail: [email protected]
Actions of Governments in Exile
International law recognizes that Governments in Exile may undertake many types of actions in the conduct of their daily affairs.
These actions include:
- Becoming a party to a bilateral or international treaty.
- Amending or revising its own constitution.
- Maintaining military forces.
- Retaining (or "newly obtaining") diplomatic recognition by sovereign states.
- Issuing identity cards.
- Allowing the formation of new political parties.
- Instituting democratic reforms holding elections allowing for direct (or more broadly-based).
- Elections of its government officers, etc.
International Laws on Self-Determination
The right to self-determination — which allows people to secede from a mother state if they so choose — appears in
various international conventions, including the founding document of the United Nations.International Law Dealing with Self-determination and Territorial Integrity
U.N. Founding Charter (Article 1) — 1945
• One purpose of the United Nations is “to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of
equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.”
U.N. Resolution 2625 — 1970
• “Every State has the duty to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples referred to in the elaboration of
the principle of equal rights and self-determination of their right to self-determination and freedom and independence.”
• “Nothing in the foregoing paragraphs shall be construed as authorizing or encouraging any action which would dismember,
or impair, totally or in part, the territorial integrity or political unity of sovereign and independent states conducting
themselves in compliance with the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples and thus possessed of a
government representing the whole people belonging to the territory without distinction to race, creed or colour.”
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (Article 20) — 1981
• “All peoples shall have . . . the unquestionable and inalienable right to self-determination. They shall freely determine
their political status and shall pursue their economic development according to the policy they have freely chosen.”
Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe’s Charter of Paris for a New Europe — 1990
• “We affirm that the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of national minorities will be protected.”
• “We reaffirm the equal rights of peoples and their right to self-determination in conformity with the Charter of the
United Nations and with the relevant norms of international law, including those related to territorial integrity of states.”
Vienna Declaration and Program of Action adopted by World Conference of Human Rights — 1993
• The conference recognizes “the right of peoples to take any legitimate action, in accordance with the Charter of the
U.N., to realize their inalienable right of self-determination.”
Lunda Tchokwe Political PrisonersJanuary 2012
Five political prisoners and two detainees held at Kakanda prison in Lunda Norte, Angola, are suffering from deteriorating health after finishing a 13-day-long hunger strike in protest against their continued detention. The conditions in which they are held have not improved, and they continue to be denied access to medical treatment, clean water, and adequate food supplies.
The seven men: Sérgio Augusto; Sebastião Lumani; José Muteba; António Malendeca; Domingos Henrique Samujaia, who were tried and convicted of crimes against the state at different times in 2010 and 2011, and two detainees, Mário Muamuene and Domingos Capenda, who were tried and acquitted on 8 March yet remain in prison, went on hunger strike from 16 to 29 May 2011. Their health has since continued to worsen owing to the persisting lack of sanitation, inadequate water provision and insufficient food supply- a cupful of rice once a day.
These conditions place prisoners’ lives at risk and amount to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment.
Amnesty International is particularly concerned about Sebastião Lumani, José Muteba, António Malendeka and Augusto Sérgio, who are reportedly the weakest in the group and are suffering from other ailments. In addition, Sebastião Lumani and José Muteba have reportedly contracted typhoid and are too weak to stand or walk without assistance.The men named above were part of a group of some 40 members of the Comissão do Manifesto Jurídico Sociológico do Protectorado da Lunda Tchokwe (Commission of the Legal Sociological Manifesto of Lunda Tchokwe Protectorate- CMJSP-Lunda) and were arrested at various times from April 2009 to October 2010. They were initially held at Conduege prison in Lunda Norte Province.
On 7 February 2011 they were transferred to the newer Kakanda prison in Dundo, where conditions were initially better. However, the prison has become overcrowded; there is NO electricity; food and drinking water provision is scarce and there are no health facilities there.
On 17 March 2011, over 30 of the CMJSP-Lunda detainees were released following a petition of habeas corpus lodged by their lawyer. However the five convicted prisoners and the two detainees mentioned above were not among them.
Sérgio Augusto; Sebastião Lumani; José Muteba; António Malendeca; Domingos Henrique Samujaia, were tried and convicted of crimes against the state at different times in 2010 and 2011 and sentenced to prison terms ranging between three and six years.
Quem é você? Você não sabe.
Não me diga que é um Angolano, não é isso.
O que você era antes que o colono Europeu batizou você de Angolano?
Onde você estava? E o que era teu?
Que língua você fala, então?
Qual era o seu nome?
Não poderia ter sido Vieira, Santos nem Dias .... ou Domingos.
Aquele não era o teu nome. Nós não temos esses tipos de nomes de onde eu e você viemos.
Agora, qual era seu nome? E por que você já não sabe o que seu nome era, então. Onde foi? Quando perdestes a tua Cultura? Que língua você falava?
Onde está a tua história? Como é que um homem pode acabar com a sua história? Que fez o homem, e o que fez o homem para fazer-te em um idiota?
Regime Comunista e Corrupto do JES-MPLA coloca membros do
Manifesto do Protectorado da Lunda Tchokwe a 3 anos de prisão10 March 2011
No dia 8 de Outubro de 2010, haviam sido raptados os membros do Manifesto do Protectorado da Lunda Tchokwe em casa por volta das 19 horas, na cidade de Dundo, Lunda-Norte, sem mandado, a luz do revogado artigo 26 da Lei 7/78 - Crimes contra a segurança do Estado, trata-se dos Senhores Domingos Henrique tc Samujaia, Domingos Capenda e Paulo Muamuene.
Neste mesmo mês e ano 2010 constituiu-se um grupo de Advogados da Associação Mãos Livres, que no pretérito mês de Janeiro de 2011, interpuseram um Habeas Corpus ao Tribunal Supremo, porque a Lei 7/78 foi revogado e porque a prisão excedeu o tempo que a lei estipula.
O Tribunal Supremo até hoje não respondeu ao Habeas Corpus. No terreno os Tribunais e a Policia continua a perseguir com prisões arbitrarias e a prender os membros do Manifesto, um movimento reivindicativo pacifico, sem violência e que pauta pelo dialogo como forma de resolução de qualquer tipo de conflito.
Hoje dia 10 de Março de 2011, fomos surpreendidos, por volta das 14 horas que os nossos membros na prisão da Kakanda, no Dundo haviam sido levados ao tribunal Provincial para responderem pelo processo N.º 4381-B/2010 ( 3 membros), com um advogado oficioso o Sr Dr Tchizeka, no lugar dos Advogados de defesa.
De acordo com as informações que acabamos de receber, foi condenado a 3 anos de prisão efectiva o Activista Domingos Henrique, pelo artigo 21 da Lei 23 do CP Angola, que de acordo com a mesma fonte é Crime de Rebelião e Perturbação da Ordem Publica. No lugar de Crimes contra a segurança do Estado que inicialmente haviam sido indiciados em 2010.
Os outros dois membros do mesmo processo foram colocados em Liberdade, trata-se dos Activistas Domingos Capenda e Paulo Muamuene.
Desde 2007 até a data já foram condenados 5 membros do Manifesto do Protectorado da Lunda Tchokwe, com sentenças que vão desde os 3 à 6 anos de prisão efectiva, todos pelo tribunal da Lunda-Norte. Em Luanda, foram colocados em Liberdade condicional dois membros e o Dr.º Jota Filipe Malakito continua na Comarca de Viana no Processo N.º 3450 - A/2009 Crimes contra a segurança de Estado.
Dr Jota Filipe Malakito, Continua doente com problemas de perca continuada de visão, problemas dos testículos e no Joelho. Tanto os já condenados e os outros membros por julgarem cerca de 39 continuam no Kakanda.
7 de Fevereiro de 2011 a Policia do Lukapa havia detido
Cidadão António Txichicussula por tirar Fotocopia em documento com Informações De Jota MalakitoO cidadão em causa, é activista do Movimento do Manifesto do Protectorado da Lunda Tchokwe, continua há mais de um mês detido na cadeia da Policia do Comando Municipal de Lukapa, LUNDA-NORTE.
Continua numa sala em condições péssimas de vida, falta de alimentação e a proibição de receber visitas. Não tem processo instaurado. Ninguém explica as razões do porque o mesmo continua detido.
Informações que a CMJSPLT teve acesso, indicam que a prisão do António Txichicussula é ilegal, a secção da PGR municipal não legalizou a mesma. Solicitamos que o Cidadão em causa seja posto em liberdade.
A seguir é o teor da informação que havíamos noticiado no dia 10/02/2011.
Bodies of Female Victims repeatedly appearing in the Lunda Tchokwe
25 February 2011
Zinha Maxingo also known as Gizela a Lunda Tchokwe women of 24 years old, born on the 10 of November 1988 in the Municipality of Dala in Lunda-Sul, mother of 3 sons was found murdered and the body thrown in the River Kapulumba next to the local airport.
This is the second victim that appears in the same place and murdered in the same manner: sexual violation, removal of belongings and thrown to the river.
In 2010 it was found several bodies in the diamond mining areas, but more precisely in the areas under the direct control of the Mining Private Security Firms. All mines are in partnership with the MPLA Regime Ruling Elite and the Private Security Companies all without exception are privately owned by members of the MPLA Regime.
The young victim Zinha Maxingo also known as Gizela, was reported to be with two sick sons, in the lack of jobs and abject poverty that rules and infests the nation under the corrupt and clandestine MPLA Regime the victim decided to go to her farm to harvest bombo to sell, this happened on the 23 February 2011, she left her house and did not return. The neighbours decided to search for her, they found her drawn on the same evening at 19:00 hours and her body was buried on the 24 February 2011.
Intimidation by the MPLA Regime of the
Ethnic Population and Civilians of Lunda Tchokwe7 February 2011
On the 7 of February 2011, around 13:00 was kidnapped the civilian Mr. António Txichicussula, a Human Rights Activist in the Sector of Calonda. Mr. António Txichicussula was detained by the MPLA Regime when he was photocopying some papers containing Dr. Dr Jota Filipe Malakito Photo.
He was apreended in the shop SANKIF which the manager of the Shop is Mr. Celestino Zeula. This are the details of the MPLA regime Agent that apreended the Lunda Tchokwe Human Rights Activist.
MPLA regime Agent Name: Mr. João Dumbo Son of: Mr. João Bernardo and of Mrs Emília Cipriana natural of Benguela born on the 5 of November 1971 and resident in Lucapa.
Today 12 February 2011 we received information by phone from Lukapa that Mr. Celestino Zeula remains detained by the MPLA Regime Police and denied any outside contact, the MPLA Regime Police is not allowing him to receive any food, and he has not eaten in the last 4 days. The cell where he is being unlawfully detained the MPLA Regime is a room where there are 10 more persons in the same prison cell, without any ventilation nor WC, and no water.
The People of Lunda and Moxico march naked over diamonds
Where is the revenue of the Diamonds of the producing regions? “In the ties” reply the population of the Lunda Tchokwe. Near to the 4th largest deposit of Diamonds in the World in the city of Saurimo, the capital of Lunda South.
This are the areas less developed in contrast to the wealth of the Diamonds. There are no health centres in the Lunda Tchokwe region. There are no running water, electricity, roads, and houses. Both health and school infrastructures are non existent. The people of Lunda Tchokwe lived better during the civil war than now!
“The MPLA Regime shows their ties, and say the society is developing”. The MPLA Regime farce continues On the 4th of February 2011 the Deputy minister checked the readiness of the MPLA Regime Police Forces in Lunda Norte.
Dundo – The deputy minister of the Interior, Angelo Veiga Tavares, in since Thursday in Dundo City, north-eastern Lunda North, to assess the readiness level of police forces in this region. This Friday, Angelo Veiga Tavares will inaugurate the Cacanda prison, which is located seven kilometres away from Dundo City.
Hunger Strike in the MPLA Regime Prison of Kakanda Lunda North
14 February 2011
Lunda North a Place where there is No Hospitals, No Schools, No Factories, No Investment, but plenty of Prisons
More than 40 Lunda Tchokwe Human Rights Activists have been transferred to the Conduege Prison to the new Prison of Kakanda in Lunda North, today the 14 of February 2011 they entered Hunger Strike, as a result of the continuous violation by the MPLA Regime of their Liberty and basic Human Rights the Hunger strike also aims to notify the International community of the terrible injustices that the MPLA Regime continuous to perpetuate against the Populations of Lunda, Kuando Kubango and Moxico.
MPLA Regime - Political detainees are held under repealed law must be released
Amnesty International - 31 January 2011
Nearly 40 members of the Commission of the Legal Sociological Manifesto of the Lunda Tchokwe Protectorate (Comissão do Manifesto Jurídico Sociológico do Protectorado da Lunda Tchokwe – CMJSP-Lunda), an organization that calls peacefully for economic and administrative autonomy of the diamond rich Lunda provinces in north-eastern Angola, were arrested between April 2009 and October 2010. Most are being held in Conduege prison in Dundo, Lunda Norte province, although three, including the organization’s leader were imprisoned in the capital, Luanda. Most were charged with contravening the now repealed Article 26 of Law on Crimes Against the Security of the State (Law 7/78 of May 1978). The repealed article criminalised “All and every act, not foreseen in the law that puts at risk or could put at risk the security of the state”. This Article was vague and open to misuse by the Angolan authorities who often used it to arrest peaceful political activists like the CMJSP-Lunda Tchokwe members as well as human rights activists. The article also violated international human rights law.
Soon after the law was revoked in December 2010, four human rights activists who had been convicted under the terms of this law were released from prison unconditionally.
However, 33 members of the CMJSP-Lunda Tchokwe remain in detention without trial on charges of contravening this article.
Three other members of CMJSP-Lunda Tchokwe are serving prison sentences after been convicted in September 2010 on the basis of Article 26.
The Angolan authorities have not responded to the detainees’ lawyers appeal for their release or to the writ of habeas corpus issued on 14 January 2011 They have also not provided an explanation for their continued detention.
It is reported that on 19 January the Supreme Court, which deals with habeas corpus petitions, requested the Lunda Norte Provincial Court to explain why these detainees had not been released. However, the Lunda Norte Provincial Court has not yet responded to the request.
The continued detention of the 36 members of the CMJSP-Lunda Tchokwe, charged under a law that has now been repealed, is a violation of their human rights. Amnesty International calls on the Angolan authorities to immediately and unconditionally release these and all other detainees in the country being held for allegedly violating this law, as well as those serving sentences after being convicted on the basis of this law.
Presos políticos em Angola detidos nos termos de uma lei inexistente
17 January 2011Mais de 30 reclusos angolanos, ainda detidos em condições deploráveis nos termos de uma lei de segurança vaga e abolida o ano passado, devem ser libertados, declararam os seus familiares à Amnistia Internacional.
Trinta e três membros de um grupo conhecido como CMJSP-Lunda, que defenderam pacificamente a autonomia da região da Lunda Tchokwe, estão ainda detidos na cadeia de Conduege, no norte de Angola, apesar de a legislação de segurança generalista ao abrigo da qual foram acusados ter sido revogada em Dezembro de 2010.
O agora revogado Artigo 26º da lei 7/78 criminalizava “todo e qualquer acto, não previsto na lei, que ponha ou possa pôr em perigo a segurança do estado” e prestava-se a aplicação incorrecta pelas autoridades para prender activistas políticos pacíficos e mesmo activistas dos direitos humanos em alguns casos.
A esposa de um recluso, que falou à Amnistia Internacional sob condição de anonimato, reclamou “A lei já não existe. Então como é que [o meu marido] ainda continua detido? Se a lei já não existe, deviam deixá-los ir para casa.”
“Peço ao governo que os solte. O crime deixou de ser crime.”
"Soubemos que outros foram libertados, então porque é que ele tem que permanecer na prisão?"
"Devem soltá-los para que voltem para as suas famílias... Deixaram-nos a sofrer sem os nossos maridos... Os filhos precisam deles.”
As autoridades angolanas deixaram sem resposta os apelos dos advogados no sentido de libertar os membros da CMJSP-Lunda desde a revogação do Artigo 26º e não apresentaram também qualquer razão para que continuem detidos.
Os activistas de direitos humanos condenados nos termos desta lei noutras partes do país foram já libertados desde a revogação da lei em Dezembro, mas a Amnistia Internacional receia que os membros da CMJSP-Lunda estejam a ser alvos deliberados de penas continuadas.
Os reclusos são originários de uma área rica em diamantes nas províncias do leste de Angola. A Amnistia Internacional recebeu relatos de abusos dos direitos humanos cometidos nesta região.
Durante o ano de 2010, um membro da CMJSP-Lunda que se encontrava detido faleceu devido à falta de tratamento médico na prisão e 37 membros do grupo quase morreram de fome e foram sujeitos a condições terríveis durante a sua detenção na cadeia de Conduege, na Lunda Norte.
“Saudamos a revogação do Artigo 26º, mas as autoridades angolanas devem agora libertar sem demora todos os reclusos que foram originalmente detidos nos termos desta legislação já extinta”, frisou Muluka-Anne Miti, investigadora da Amnistia Internacional sobre questões relacionadas com Angola.
A CMJS-Lunda foi criada em 2007 para defender a autonomia para o ex-reino Tchokwe, que abrange as actuais províncias da Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Moxico e parte do Kuando Kubango.
Abaixo a Ocupacao do MPLA
September 2010
O território do REINO DA LUNDA TCHOKWE, é o mais atrasado, 90% da população activa, menor de 35 anos de idade é analfabeta, os Guerrilheiros que combateram ao lado do MPLA e da UNITA, foram entregue ao abandono, não existe nenhuma instituição UNIVERSITARIA em toda a região, dai a falta de quadros, não há emprego porque não existe empresas, os Projectos Mineiros em nada beneficiam a região e não empregam os nativos.
Inhumane conditions under the unelected Communist Regime of the MPLA
September 2010
The territory of the Kingdom Lunda Tchokwe, is the least developed, 90% of the workforce less than 35 years of age is illiterate, the guerrillas who fought alongside the MPLA and UNITA, were delivered to abandonment, there is no university throughout the region, hence the lack of professionals, there are no jobs because there is no companies, mining projects don’t benefit the region and don’t employ the locals.
A Quesão da Lunda 1885-1894 / 1975
“A Questão da Lunda 1885-1894/ 1975” e o direito de Autonomia Administrativa e Financeira Efectiva, nos termos de sucessão colectiva e fundamentos Jurídicos dos tratados de Protectorado de 1885 – 1894, assinados entre Portugal e Soberanos – Muananganas Lunda Tchokwe, da Convenção de Lisboa de 25 de Maio de 1891, ractificado no dia 24 de Março de 1894 sobre a delimitação das fronteiras na Lunda e trocado no dia 1 de Agosto do mesmo ano, entre Portugal e a Bélgica sob mediação Internacional da França, na presença da Alemanha, Inglaterra e do Vaticano, tornando assim a Lunda em um Estado Independente e os tratados “Jus Cogens Internacional” – “Pacta Scripta Sunt servanda”.
Portugal produziu moralmente a Lei N.º 8904/1955 de 19 de Fevereiro, a Lunda foi atribuida a letra “g” no contexto das Nações, assim como o nosso Manifesto dirigido ao regime nao eleito do MPLA no dia 3 de Agosto de 2007, a trocar a nossa própria independência por mero Estatuto de Autonomia Administrativa e Financeira Efectiva, igual a Madeira e Açores Ilhas de um mesmo país Portugal de forma aberta, pública, Jurídica e transparente.
Visita da HH Princesa Mutumbo a Henrique Carvalho
Autores Morais do Protectorado da LUNDA 1885/1894/1955 e 1975
“A Questão da Lunda 1885-1894/ 1975” e o direito de Autonomia Administrativa e Financeira Efectiva, nos termos de sucessão colectiva e fundamentos Jurídicos dos tratados de Protectorado de 1885 – 1894, assinados entre Portugal e Soberanos – Muananganas Lunda Tchokwe, da Convenção de Lisboa de 25 de Maio de 1891, ractificado no dia 24 de Março de 1894 sobre a delimitação das fronteiras na Lunda e trocado no dia 1 de Agosto do mesmo ano, entre Portugal e a Bélgica sob mediação Internacional da França, na presença da Alemanha, Inglaterra e do Vaticano, tornando assim a Lunda em um Estado Independente e os tratados “Jus Cogens Internacional” – “Pacta Scripta Sunt servanda”.
Portugal produziu moralmente a Lei N.º 8904/1955 de 19 de Fevereiro, a Lunda foi atribuida a letra “g” no contexto das Nações, assim como o nosso Manifesto dirigido ao Governo Angolano no dia 3 de Agosto de 2007, a trocar a nossa própria independência por mero Estatuto de Autonomia Administrativa e Financeira Efectiva, igual a Madeira e Açores Ilhas de um mesmo país Portugal de forma aberta, pública, Jurídica e transparente.AUTORES MORAIS DO PROTECTORADO DA LUNDA:
1885 - 1888 Tratados de Protectorados Portugal-Lundas
1885 - Convenção de 14 de Fevereiro
1890 – Conflito Portugal – Bélgica
1891 – Convenção de Lisboa Sobre a questão da Lunda
1893 – Ractificação da acta das fronteiras na Lunda
1894 – Ractificação do Tratado das Fronteiras da Lunda
1894 – Troca das Assinaturas do Tratado das fronteiras Lunda
1895 – Primeiro Governo Independente da Lunda
1955 – Lei n.º 8904
1975 - Fim do Protecturado Exemplar do Governo de Portugal com Africa.
Itengo é a capital do Reino Unido Lunda Tchokwe, fora do Imperio Lunda, Protectorado Português de 24 Março de 1894 até 1975
As Línguas do Reino, por ordem:
Tchokwe, Lunda, Nganguela, Mbunda, Lutchaze, Luvale
Os cidadaos do Reino Unido Lunda Tchokwe falam as seguintes linguas europeas: Inglês, Francês, Português.
Succession List of Rulers; Mwaantaangaand of the Kingdom of Lunda Tchokwe
Nkonda Matit (XI or XVI)
Cibind Yirung (Governed 1600-1630) ILUNGA
Yaav I um Yirung (Governed 1630-1660)
Yaav II um Nawej (Governed 1660 - 1690)
Mwene Dumba Watembo, King of the Lunda Tchokwes, 1874
King Mwene Kapenda Kamulemba, 1885
Mwata Jamwo Kauma, King of Lunda, 1928
King Carlos Manuel Muatchissengue Watembo, 1990 to Present
1754 Jacques Bellin
O Tratado de Protectorado Internacional da Lunda Tchokwe
1. A Lunda Tchokwe é um Estado criado por DEUS e organizado politicamente pelos nossos bisavôs no século XI, reconhecido pelas 14 Nações Europeias e não só presentes na Conferência de Bérlim em 1884 – 1885 e pelo Reino de Ndongo (Kimbundo), através das subscrições dos 6 Tratados de Protectorado celebrados entre o Governo de Portugal e os Soberanos e Potentados Lundas e Tratados de fronteiras convencionais desde 1885 – 1895, ano de mapeamento dos limites definitivos do Estado da Lunda Tchokwe.2. O Reino de Ndongo (Kimbundu), representado nos autos pelo Soberano AMBANGO, Grande Soba de Malanje e o seu irmão Don Augusto Jayme, que testemunhou ao representante do Governo de Portugal o Major do Exercito e Chefe da Comitiva Cientifica Portuguesa a Mussumba do Imperador Muatianvua, Henrique Augusto Dias de Carvalho que, Angola terminava em Malanje!
E, para que no futuro não houvesse dúvidas, e como os Soberanos Lundas não sabiam ler nem escrever, o sr Henrique de Carvalho, informou a todos que, ditassem os seus nomes e, cada um colocasse a frente do seu nome, uma cruz ou, o sinal de mais (+).- VERBA VOLANT SCRIPTA MANENT.3. As palavras voam as escritas mantém-se. É por isso que, o 1.º Tratado de Protectorado Internacional da Lunda Tchokwe, está escrito em Kimbundu a língua natural do Reino de Ndongo – a palavra “KIVAJANA”, traduzida para a língua portuguesa significa Tratado.
4. A Lunda Tchokwe Tornou-se Protectorado Internacional, pelo facto, dos Tratados oficiais terem sido, celebrados por 3 Nações e testemunhados pelas 14 Nações Europeias. Os 5 Tratados de Protectorados, estão em língua Kimbundu, o 1.º e os outros 4 em língua Portuguesa entre 1885 a 1887.
5. O Tratado de fronteiras na “LUNDA”, celebrado a 25 de Maio de 1891 em Lisboa entre o Governo de Portugal e o Governo da Bélgica, ratificado no dia 24 de Março de 1894 em Bruxelas sob mediação do Governo Francês com a observação Internacional do Governo da Alemanha, o Governo do Reino Unido e do Vaticano, a troca de assinaturas teve lugar em Paris no dia 1 de Agosto 1894, esta escrito em Português e Francês.- 1.ª PACTA SCRIPTA SUNT SERVANDA.
6. A LUNDA TCHOKWE é uma propriedade colectiva, bem titulada, bem reconhecida internacionalmente e registada pelo seu Protector Legal com a letra “G” com o seu Governo estabelecido pelo artigo 44º da Lei 8904 de 19 de Fevereiro de 1955. Os tratados de protectorado e o acordo de alvore, são títulos de reconhecimento formal ou de “Jure”, dos 2 Estados, sob autoria moral e material do mesmo estado Português.
7. O Protectorado, um direito fundamental de propriedade Real ou coisa material ou, um imóvel ou Estado criado por “DEUS” e, organizado politicamente pelos donos, através de normas do direito consuetutinário ou costumeiro, reconhecido formalmente por outros Estados através de tratados de protecção externa, aplicáveis á regras ou normas do direito internacional dos tratados.
A map of the Austro Equatorial Africa regions published at Amsterdam in 1733 in the Atlas of Guillaume de L'isle [publishers, Jan Covens and Corneille Mortier], this map represents the utmost information ever given to the world by Portuguese, Italian, French, and Flemish explorers [mainly missionaries] down to the middle of the eighteenth century.
List of Crimes against the Lunda Tchokwe People perpetrated by the MPLA Regime
Africa Federation , Federación Áfricana , Afrika Federation , 아프리카 연맹 , Afrika Föderation , Afrikka liitto , アフリカ連合 , Afrika Federatie , Африка Федерации , Fédération Afrique , África Federação
Africa Federation , Federación Áfricana , Afrika Federation , 아프리카 연맹 , Afrika Föderation , Afrikka liitto , アフリカ連合 , Afrika Federatie , Африка Федерации , Fédération Afrique , África Federação
n , Afrikka liitto , アフリカ連合 , Afrika Federatie , Африка Федерации , Fédération Afrique , África Federação