United Republic of Kivu
Head of State
- President of the Republic, Head of State: Elie-Desire Atawale
Presidential Resolution No. 015/2007
Taking into consideration:
Whereas, the Article 46 states and authorizes the President of the Republic to names the civil and military high positions and it delegates attributions with expressed resolution for the effect.
Whereas, the United Republic of Kivu requires the competence of suitable persons to accompany the President of the Republic in the Government's new stage, to consolidate all the achievements reached so far.
The President of the United Republic of Kivu, Nitashinda Wataona in use of the Presidential constitutional attributions and by the grace of God.
Article First. - To name a new Government Cabinet Council, according to the following:
Government Cabinet of the United Republic of Kivu
- Prime Minister, Minister for the Civil Service: Jean Lushindo
- Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State: Paul Kisindi- Secretary of the Treasury: Pierre Kika
- Chief Secretary to the Treasury: Sengi Katanga
- Minister of the Economy: Pierre Butelezi
- Minister Paymaster General: Safari Fifi
- Minister Financial Secretary: Kabe Musa
- Minister Economic Secretary: Schomba Likuta- Governor of the Central Bank of Kivu: Mangovo Ngoyo
- Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Kivu: Mahombi Kitwanda- Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Mangovo Ngoyo
- Deputy Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs: Laurence Mbuguma
- Minister of State for Africa: Wamona Ngongo- Secretary of State for the Home Department: David Mupenda
- Minister for Public Works: Paul Ngongo
- Minister for Religious Affairs: Mateso Kamango
- Minister of Immigration: Marie Lolendo- Secretary of State for Justice: Jacques Zihindwa
- Minister of Law: Elena Mupepe
- Minister of Constitutional Matters: Didier Bwetu
- Leader of the House of Commons (United Republic of Kivu Parliament): Jeanne Kinsembe- Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government: Boniface Mwenda
- Minister for Women and Equality: Sara Ushindi
- Minister for Family and Children: Claire Furaha- Secretary of State for Culture, Media: Ricard Mue
- Minister of Public Communication: Paul Mulezi
- Minister of Culture, Costumes and Tradition: Asha Kivu
- Minister of Information and Media: Jean Pierre Yalala- Secretary of State for Defence: Louis Goma
- Minister of State for Defence: Lutala Musa
- Minister of Military Intelligence: Didie Mutumbi
- Secretary of State for Education and Skills: Edward Utukufu
- Minister of Education: Muhindo Omba
- Minister of Professional Skills: Bienvenu Mukenge- Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural: Dunia Riziki
- Minister of Environment: Laurent Bulabula
- Minister of Food Produce: Elie Kamango
- Minister if Rural: Joseph Kikanda- Secretary of State for Health: Fabien Murhula
- Minister of Public Health: Phelie Lutala
- Minister of Health Education: Gustave Aliasi
- Minister of Hospitals: Paul Shindano- Secretary of State for International Development: Serge Ngongo
- Minister of State for International Trade: Desire Kibamba- Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: Jean Wabangwa
- Minister of Energy: Marc Kipindi
- Minister of Trade: Philemon Tabu
- Minister of Industry: Philip Kitwanda- Secretary of State for Transport and Communications: Elise Mbuta
- Minister of Transport: Kabe Safari
- Minister of Telecommunications: Jean Claude Muzuri- Secretary of State for Work and Pensions: Julien Kibamba
- Minister of Work: Ali Lutakala
- Minister of Pensions: Joseph Loyenge- Attorney General: Pierre Kindu
- Supreme Court Judge:
- Supreme Court Judge:
- Supreme Court Judge:
- Supreme Court Judge:
- Supreme Court Judge:
- Supreme Court Judge:
- Supreme Court Judge:Article Second. - The officials take possession of their official posts, and may exercise their functions according to the strategy of National security.
Given and signed in the Presidential Office, on the 5th day of the month of July in the year 2007.
Elie-Desire Atawale
President of the United Republic of Kivu
The Shadow Cabinet
The Shadow Cabinet (also called the Shadow Front Bench) is a senior group of opposition spokespeople in the Parliament of the United Republic of Kivu system of government who together under the leadership of the Leader of the Opposition (or the leader of other smaller opposition parties) form an alternative cabinet to the government's, whose members shadow or mark each individual member of the government. Members of a shadow cabinet are often but not always appointed to a Cabinet post if and when their party gets into government. It is the Shadow Cabinet's responsibility to pass criticism on the current government and its respective legislation, as well as offering alternative policies.
The major opposition party and specifically its shadow cabinet is often called The United Republic of Kivu Loyal Opposition. The adjective "loyal" is used because, while the role of the opposition is to oppose the United Republic of Kivu Government, it does not dispute His Excellency the President right has Head of State and therefore the legitimacy of the government.
Some parliamentary parties, elect all the members of their shadow cabinets in a party room ballot, with the Leader of the Opposition then allocating portfolios to the Shadow Ministers. In other parliamentary parties, the membership and composition of the Shadow Cabinet is generally determined solely by the Leader of the Opposition.
The form of citizenship oath and pledge is as follows for registration of or naturalisation as a Kivu citizen:
"I, [name], swear by Almighty God that, on becoming a Kivu citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the United Republic of Kivu, and its legitimate Democratically and Constitutionally elected Government according to law."
"I will give my loyalty to the United Republic of Kivu and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfil my duties and obligations as a Kivu citizen."
Speech Accepting the Office of:
President Elect by the Parliament of Kivu / Baraza Kuu La Kivu
My good friend citizens of the United Republic of Kivu, to my own wife, my family, and to all of my fellow Kivu Citizens here assembled, and Kivians across the world.
I accept your nomination has President Elect by the constitutionally and lawfully formed Parliament of United Kivu with a deep sense of humility.
I accept, too, the responsibility that goes with it.
My fellow Kivu Citizens, our cause is great.Our task would be too great for any man, did he not have with him the hearts and the hands of this great People, Parliament and Government of United Kivu, and I promise you today that every fibre of my being is consecrated to our cause; that nothing shall be lacking from the struggle that can be brought to it by enthusiasm, by devotion, and plain hard work.
From this moment, united and determined, we will go forward together, dedicated to the ultimate and undeniable greatness of the United Republic of Kivu. Together - Together we will triumph, what we can do and what we shall do is to deserve victory, and victory will be ours.
The good Lord raised this mighty Republic of United Kivu to be a home for the brave and to flourish as the land of the free.
Now, my fellow Kivians, the tide has been running against freedom.
Our people have followed false prophets. We must, and we shall, return to proven ways - because they are old, and because they are true.
Security from domestic violence, no less than from foreign aggression, is the most elementary and fundamental purpose of any Government and a government that cannot fulfil this purpose is one that cannot long command the loyalty of its citizens.
History shows us - it demonstrates that nothing, nothing prepares the way for tyranny more than the failure of public officials to keep the streets, farms, towns and cities safe.Those who seek to live your lives for you, to take your liberties in return for relieving you of yours, those who elevate the state and downgrade the citizen must see ultimately a world in which earthly power can be substituted for Divine Will, and this Nation was founded upon the rejection of that notion and upon the acceptance of God as the author of freedom.
Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed. Their mistaken course stems from false notions of equality.
It is further the cause to remind ourselves, that only the strong can remain free, that only the strong can keep the peace.
Now, we in Kivu can keep the peace only if we remain vigilant and only if we remain strong. Only if we keep our eyes open and keep our guard up can we prevent war. And I want to make this abundantly clear: I don't intend to let peace or freedom be torn from our grasp because of lack of strength or lack of will - and that I promise you.
And I pledge that the United Republic of Kivu I envision in the years ahead will extend its hand in health, in teaching and in cultivation, so that all new nations will be at least encouraged - encouraged! - to go our way, so that they will not wander down the dark alleys of oppression.
I seek a United Kivu proud of its customs, proud of its Traditions, and determined actively to proclaim them.
In our vision of a good and decent future, free and peaceful, there must be room, room for deliberation of the energy and the talent of the individual.
We must assure a society here which, while never abandoning the needy or forsaking the helpless, nurtures incentives and opportunities for the creative and the productive. We must know the whole good is the product of many single contributions.
We seek a government that attends to its inherent responsibilities of maintaining a stable free and a competitive economy and enforcing law and order.
I accept your nomination with humbleness, with pride, and you and I are going to fight for the goodness of our Country and land of United Kivu.
Thank you,
Elie-Desire Atawale
Federation of the Free States of Africa
Secretary General
Mangovo Ngoyo
Email: [email protected]