Inchi ya Katanga
Katanga Free State
Katanga Free State
Etat Libre du Katanga
Inchi ya KatangaKatanga Atawina!
The Katanga Free State, was connected in 1900 with the Independent State of Congo, and in 1908, with the colony of Belgian Congo. On July 11, 1960, less than two weeks after the Independence of Congo, the Katanga National leader Moise Tshombe, declared the Katanga Free State independent from the Congo.The red colour symbolises the bravery of the people and the blood which it shed to defend its homeland, the green the hope and the silver the purity; the small copper crosses (called "monetary crosslets of Katanga") were the emblems of King (Mwami) Siri who governed this Katanga (the Realm of Garengaze) and symbolise the copper mining wealth of Katanga Free State.
Katanga throughout its History has always been a separate Nation
If left to run Katanga by themselves black and white Katangese could have created a great multiracial nation and made famous success of it. Katanga would have been a shinning example to the rest of Africa, even the world. This magnificent occasion was lost in 1963, largely because the interference by an ignorant American administration, which knew nothing of Africa on the one hand, and the stupidity of the United Nations, which knew, even less on the other. As a result, the birth right of all Katangese black and white had been forfeited and the clock put back another twenty years.
Katanga throughout its History has always been a separate Nation. Katanga has always been a separate country from that so called DRC, Katanga is fundamentally different in many important respects from the other regions. It was only the drawing of arbitrary boundaries on a map in 1885 at some conference in Europe that had turned the Nation of Katanga into part of the DRC, a hodgepodge of over two hundred twenty different Tribes. Geographically too Katanga and the other provinces were different. The Katangese terrain for a start was high and open, mostly ranch type country unsuitable for agriculture, unlike the rest of the other regions. Then again the Katangese spoke Swahili, the other regions spoke Chiluba, Lingala and Kikongo. The Katangese find irksome and impractical to be ruled by a remote legislature in Kinshasa some 2,500km away. Ethnically Katanga’s People are entirely separate from the other Tribes in the DRC as well.
The difference between the Katangese and the People of Bas-Kongo is as marked as that between a Ukrainian in Russia and a Flamand in Belgium.
The tragedy of the Katangese politics is that Katanga between 1961 an 1963 had become a political football game. Too many outsiders, many of them newly independent African states like Ghana, with no real knowledge of the country or its problems, where involved in deciding its future, for that reason that had nothing whatever to do with the DRC. Even the Belgians themselves had done much to force Patrice Lumumba on the DRC as its first prime minister – Lumumba, an ex-postal clerk who had to be taken out of prison, where he was serving a sentence for petty theft, in order to attend the very conference in Brussels which then brought him to power! And why? Because the Belgian government wanted a unitary state so that Belgium could perpetuate its control of the DRC, and Lumumba was the only politician whose manifesto would have permitted that policy.
Edouard Lambrette
In "The Road to Kalamata", Page 111
National Name: Katanga Free State / Jamhuri ya Katanga
Prime Minister:
Population: 6.900.000
Area: 538,000 sq km (larger than California)
Major languages: Swahili (official Governmental) is the National languages of Katanga Free State .
The Official Government Languages are Swahili and English being the official commercial language of Katanga Free State for trade and international relations.
Life expectancy: 60 years (men), 65 years (women)
Main exports: Farming and ranching are carried out on the Katanga Plateau. In the eastern part of Katanga is a rich mining region, which supplies cobalt, copper, tin, radium, uranium, and diamonds.
GNI per capita: US $120
International dialling code (provisional) : +243
Capital and largest city: Lubumbashi "L'shi " (lies at around 1,000 metres above sea level).
Other large cities:
Monetary unit: 1 Shaba = 100 cents
Major religions: African Spirituality and Christianity
Literacy rate: 66%
Economic summary: GDP/ PPP $6.37 billion; per capita $800.
Real growth rate: 6.5%. Inflation: 9% (2004 est.).
Unemployment: n.a.
Arable land:
Agriculture: coffee, sugar, palm oil, rubber, tea, quinine, cassava (tapioca), bananas, root crops, corn, fruits; wood products.
Labour force: n.a.
Natural resources:
Exports: $308 billion f.o.b. (2004 est.):, copper, crude oil, coffee, cobalt.
Imports: $519 billion f.o.b. (2004 est.): foodstuffs, mining and other machinery, transport equipment, fuels.
Major trading partners: Belgium, Finland, U.S., South Africa, France, Zambia, Kenya, Germany (2004).
Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 2,000 (2002); mobile cellular: 500.000 (2003). Radio broadcast stations: AM 1, FM 4, shortwave 1 (2001). Television broadcast stations: 1 (2001).
Internet hosts: 45 (2003). Internet users: 5,000 (2002).
Ports and harbors:
Texte et musique de Joseph Kiwele pour la Katangaise
Moïse Tshombe issu de chefs Lunda, plus précisément du clan des Amalas, devient président de la Conakat, puis, maire à Élisabethville, et plus tard Président de État Indépendant
du Katanga.1961 - Drapeau du Katanga : Rouge pour le sol, vert pour la végétation, les 3 croisettes de cuivre, son principal minerai
Le Katanga est tissé à partir d’un héritage, d’une histoire dont la modernité est scellée, pour la succession de ces trois États-Royaumes ( Lunda, Luba et Yéké ), par des courants commerciaux polarisés vers les débouchés océaniques – surtout vers les régions des Grands Lacs – et par une socialisation hautement structurée dans les principautés inféodées issues des empires. Le Katanga s’avère donc être une réalité humano-sociale concise et non pas un conglomérat géographique issu de la colonisation. La période coloniale a elle-même démontré la spécificité katangaise
Penchons-nous maintenant sur l’aspect de ce qu’on peut nommer la ‘‘Katanganité’’, afin de mieux saisir en quoi et pourquoi le Katanga peut être appelé une région, une province du Congo, susceptible d’aspirer à une autodétermination au sein d’une voie ‘‘confédérale’’ s’ouvrant en R.D.C..
En 1888 le Roi Léopold II, roi des belges, tenait le discours suivant au sujet du Katanga, discours adressé au peuple belge après avoir acquis le Katanga, sa concession à lui :
« Mes Compatriotes,
Toute la Belgique et les Belges sont dans la joie d’accueillir le Dr. David Livingstone qui revient de l’Afrique après avoir accompli une noble mission, nous ramène la bonne nouvelle de la conquête du Katanga , {…} je viens de créer des sociétés au Katanga dans lesquelles vous aurez à travailler. Faites attention et abstenez-vous d’annexer cette concession avec le reste du Congo.
Nous venons de nommer le Gouverneur Général pour le Congo, également un autre Gouverneur Général est nommé par le Royaume de Belgique pour diriger le Katanga, ainsi vous remarquerez, qu’ il s’agit ici de deux pays distincts, l’un différent de l’autre et doivent rester séparément.
Pour ce faire, j’ai désigné mon fils le nommé Jean Félix Hemptinne, c’est bien Lui, qui sera mon Représentant dans notre concession du Katanga. En outre, il est strictement interdit formellement de procéder à l’annexion de ces deux pays, qui sont tout à fait séparés l’un de l’autre. Je vous envois pour mieux développer ce Katanga, votre deuxième patrie où vous y resterez paisiblement et sans craindre à jamais. Je vous en remercie ».
Roi des Belges
Par Louis Cheminon.
Rapporteur au Palais Royal
BelgiqueQu’est-ce que cela veut dire ? Cela veut dire qu’à la Conférence de Berlin de 1884, le Katanga ne faisait pas partie de l’État Indépendant du Congo, mais qu’en 1888, après la conquête du Katanga, le Roi Léopold II fait du Katanga un État tout à fait distinct de l’État Indépendant du Congo.
Plus tard, le 02 août 1889, le roi Léopold II, établit son testament, que pouvons-nous lire dans ce testament ? Le voici ci-dessous :
« Nous, Léopold II, Roi des Belges, Souverain de l’État Indépendant du Congo
Voulant assurer à notre Patrie bien-aimée les fruits de l’œuvre que depuis de longues années, Nous poursuivons dans le continent Africain, avec le concours généreux et dévoué de beaucoup de Belges ;
Convaincu de contribuer ainsi à assurer à la Belgique, si elle le veut, les débouchés indispensables à son commerce et à son industrie ;
Déclarons, par les présentes, léguer et transmettre, après notre mort, à la Belgique, Nos droits Souverains sur l’État Indépendant du Congo, tels qu’ils ont été reconnus par les déclarations, conventions et traités intervenus depuis 1884, entre les Puissances étrangères, d’une part, l’Association Internationale du Congo et l’État Indépendant du Congo, d’autre part, ainsi que tous les biens, droits et avantages attachés à cette souveraineté ».
Fait à Bruxelles, le 02 août 1889. (s) Léopold
Remarque ou observation intéressante, dans ce testament du roi Léopold II, il n’est pas question de léguer, après sa mort, l’État du Katanga à la Belgique, alors que le Katanga était une entité tout à fait distincte de l’État Indépendant du Congo, ce qui veut dire que, par son testament il ne fait que léguer à la Belgique le reste du Congo, mais pas le Katanga… à ce moment-là le Katanga ne fait pas partie de l’État Indépendant du Congo de 1884 et Léopold II ne lègue pas le Katanga à la Belgique dans son testament ! Et, rappelons-le, ce n’est qu’en 1892 que le Katanga va devenir la sixième région de l’État Indépendant du Congo… donc, 3 ans après le testament de Léopold II ! On peut donc dire en quelque sorte, que la Belgique a annexé, en 1892, le Katanga à l’État Indépendant du Congo, ceci sans avoir le droit de le faire, vu que le Katanga ne lui avait pas été légué par voie testamentaire ! On peut éventuellement dire, que cette annexion du Katanga fut ‘‘illégale’’ du point de vue juridique !
Allons plus loin : jusqu’en 1936, le Katanga connut un régime spécial, au lieu d’être soumis à l’autorité du Gouverneur Général de la capitale, Léopoldville, le Katanga relevait directement du Ministère des Colonies à Bruxelles et un Vice-Gouverneur Général siégeait à Élisabethville ( Lubumbashi ) au Katanga.
On peut donc estimer que le Katanga peut, de plein droit, réclamer au minimum l’application du Fédéralisme au sein des frontières de l’actuelle R.D.C. ( République Démocratique du Congo )… personne ne peut dire ou affirmer le contraire, personne, que ce soit au niveau historique et/ou juridique… personne !
Le 4 AOUT 1960
Original Constitution of the Republic of Katanga 1960
Constitution - La Constitution du Katanga (August 5, 1960) (PDF)
The Programme of Government
The Katanga Free State subscribes to the core values of Constitutional Democracy
Constitutional Democracy
The Ideological Foundations of State Administration are those of a Constitutional Democracy both in values, principles and policies:
- Life
- Liberty
- Freedom of press
- Freedom of speechJUSTICE
- Due process
- Protection against unreasonable search and seizure
- Rule of law
- Right to a speedy public trial by a juryTHE COMMON GOOD
- Provide for safety and security
- Promote the general welfareCONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT
- Majorities have right to make political decisions
- Respect for differences
- Equal protection of the law
- Social equality
- Right to vote and seek office
- Equal employment opportunity
- Equal housing opportunityPublic Safety and Security
Without Safety and Security, good governance and the provision of all political goods, is impossible.
Security refers to a nation-state’s monopoly of violence. If there are insurgencies within the state, violence against the government in power, or rebellions against authority, the nation-state is neither safe nor secure for its people. Likewise, if the state is invaded from outside or has porous borders, the government of the nation-state cannot provide, as nation-states are mandated to do, a safe and secure environment for the pursuit of individual or group free endeavours within the nation-state.
Nor are the citizens of a modern nation-state safe or secure if the government in power cannot guarantee their personal security. Citizens demand to be free of mugging, car jacking, violent crime, and homicide. Thus, personal security is the second major component of the political good of safety and security. Countries with lower crime rates are supplying greater quantities and qualities of the safety segment of the political good of safety and security than those states where crime is rampant.
The control of the Level of violent crime in the streets.
Difficulty on the ease of access to small arms and light weapons and its tight regulation.National Defence and Security
To establish a disciplined and well-trained and organized National Defence Forces.
To establish a well trained motivated Police Force to assure Public Safety of all citizens.
Providing solutions to prevent armed conflicts.Providing foreign Refugees and asylum seekers originating from foreign countries a safe heaven, but only when in the best interest of the Nation, and only when genuine political refugees.
Rule of Law, Transparency and Corruption
Governments and governance cannot exist or function without the political good called Rule of Law. Such a designation refers to Common Law or to a codified, transparent method of adjudicating personal disputes of all kinds, formal and informal contractual obligations, and disputes between citizens and the nation-state, without resort to violence. Thus, nation-states with enforceable codes of law, nation-states that have adhered to international conventions and legal obligations, and nation-states with judicial mechanisms free of state control have stronger rule of law regimes and supply larger amounts of the political good of Rule of Law.
Ratification of all Critical Legal Norms
Judicial Independence and Efficiency of the Courts of Law
Eradication of CorruptionAs the term “rule of law” highlights “the idea of laws enacted - laid down, legislated - by an authoritative body.” The protection of the citizen’s basic human rights and upheld the basic principles of democracy.
To promote the ratification of all Critical Legal Norms.
To promote the ratification of core international human rights conventions.
To assist in the implement of economic and political sanctions in those countries where there are known human rights violations.
To allow the draft of Laws on contracts and property rights and other important areas for which clear legal norms are key to the development of the economy.
To assure the Existence of an Independent and Efficient Judicial System.
To assure the Existence of the Judicial independence, based on the rule of law.
To assure the independence and Efficiency of the courts in all matters pertaining to legal justice.
To assure the Efficiency of national institutions regarding contract enforcement, Doing Business measures the efficiency (in days) of “contract enforcement following the evolution of a sale of goods dispute and tracking the time involved from the moment the plaintiff files the lawsuit until actual payment.”
To eradicate corruption in the Government and Public sector.
Citizens Participation and Human Rights
To promote the political good of political freedom has an essential tool to good governance. It includes Participation—the ability to contest elections freely; Respect for Basic Human Rights—all of the essential liberties and rights; and the Absence of Gender Discrimination.
To prevent discrimination, such as discrimination against ethnic groups and religious minorities (including ethnic) conflict. Without these components of political freedom, many other political goods that collectively compose good governance are difficult to exercise.
The Free and spontaneous Participation of each Citizens in the public and political life of the Nation.
To allow for Competitive Executive Elections, based on whether independent observer missions judge national elections to be “free and fair.”
Participation of main opposition candidates in Executive Elections.
Competitive Legislative Elections, based on whether official independent observer missions judge national elections to be “free and fair.”
Participation of main opposition candidates in legislative elections.
Respect for Civil and Political Rights of each State Citizens.
Respect for physical rights (absence of extra judicial killing, disappearances, torture, and political imprisonment).
Respect for civil rights (freedom of movement, political participation, worker's rights, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion).
To assure Press freedom at the most basic level.
To assure Absence of Gender Discrimination.
To advance Women’s Economic Rights.
To promote Women’s Political Rights.
To progress Women’s Social Rights.
Sustainable Economic Opportunity
To create and maintain Sustainable Economic Opportunities is an essential political good. Well-governed nation-states enable their citizens to pursue personal entrepreneurial goals and potentially prosper. They do so by providing regulatory frameworks conducive to such prosperity and by creating stable and forward-looking macroeconomic and fiscal policy environments that facilitate and encourage national and personal wealth creation. Arteries of commerce—a robust physical communications and transportation infrastructure—are also critical to the achievement of these national and personal objectives. Significant, too, is the extent to which African countries are safeguarding their environments. Doing so assists in sustaining economic opportunity. In order to measure the extent to which nation-states are providing this essential political good and its components.
To incentive Wealth Creation.
To monitor and maintain in a prosper level the GDP per capita.
To allow for Local and National Economic growth.
To allow and maintain Macroeconomic Stability and Financial Integrity.
To implement the necessary financial mechanisms of good economical governance and responsible control of the annual inflation rates.
To control and account for Government budget deficits and surpluses as a percentage of GDP.
To establish the Reliability of financial institutions and monitor the overall local and national business environment.
Lower taxes benefit all citizens, creating jobs and allowing citizens to make more decisions for themselves about their lives.
Lower taxes allow more spending, saving, and investing which helps the economy - that means all citizens.
The economy and independence as a nation is increasingly in the hands of foreign governments such as the Communist and totalitarian regime of the Peoples Republic of China, this musty be brought to a full stop.
Corporate ethics
The bottom line for corporations is making a profit. Self-interest is a reliable motivator, and when it can be channelled in positive ways, society benefits. This positive channelling will occur only if corporate behaviour is constrained by ethical principles.
In the economic realm, as in all areas of life, self-interest must be balanced with responsibility for others. Experience shows that many businesses will operate in a responsible manner only if they are subjected to clear regulations and careful scrutiny.
Many business people are very conscientious, and attempt to function in socially responsible ways. Sometimes they are successful. However, in the absence of appropriate regulations, businesses that do attempt to operate in a responsible manner sometimes find they simply cannot compete with their less scrupulous competitors.
For businesses to be able to function in responsible ways requires attention to the “rules of the game” within which competition must take place.
Arteries of Commerce
The density of a nation’s road network (both paved and unpaved) per square kilometre of national land.
The supply, availability, reliability and access of electricity to the population.
The development of each African nation infrastructures of Land Line and Mobile (cellular) telephone network. Promoting and allowing free access to the Internet and promote the access to Computers.
Environmental Sensitivity
Environmental health, air quality, water resources, productive natural resources, biodiversity and habitat, and sustainable energy. Reduction of environmental stresses on human health and promotion of ecosystem vitality and natural resource management.
Human Development
Governments are charged by their constituents with supplying the political good of effective human development. Everywhere, especially in Africa, citizens expect their governments to provide opportunities for educational advancement, health care and medical and sanitary services, and poverty mitigation and alleviation.
The Federation of African Free States is determined to assist and help its affiliated Sovereign Nation States to eradicate National Poverty; the percent of all nationals live on less than US$1 day (the globally recognized poverty figure).
To implement the mechanisms that permits and allows a fair an equal national distribution of income.Publicly Funded Health Care
Publicly funded health care financed entirely or in majority part by citizens' tax payments.
Health Outcomes:
To improve the Life expectancy at birth.
To prevent Infant mortality.
To prevent Maternal mortality.To tackle Undernourishment in Africa to eradicate the percentage of the population whose food intake is below the minimum dietary energy requirements.
To increase the percentage of children immunized against measles.To increase the percentage of children; aged 12-23 months immunized against diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus (DPT).
To provide treatment to people living with HIV, by using traditional methods and new discovery treatments.
To control and treatment for all TB cases (incidence).
To provide to all African Citizens Access to qualified physicians: and increase the density of physicians per 1000 people.
To provide to all African Citizens Access to trained nurses: and increase density of nurses per 1000 people
To establish an infrastructure that will enable the total of the population with access to potable water.Educational Opportunity
To establish and maintain a high level of Adult literacy.
To establish and maintain a high level of Adult literacy among women, men and children.
To establish and maintain a high level of Primary school completion rate (the percentage of school-aged children who complete the last year of primary school)
To establish and maintain a high level of Primary school completion rate among girls.To establish and maintain a high level of Pupil/Teacher ratio in primary schools.
To establish and maintain a high level of Persistence: Progression of all students from primary to secondary school.
Social Security
The establishment of a fully working African Social Welfare Service concerned with social protection, or protection against socially recognized conditions, including poverty, old age, disability, unemployment and others.
1. Social insurance, where people receive benefits or services in recognition of contributions to an insurance scheme. These services will include provision for retirement pensions, disability insurance, survivor benefits and unemployment insurance.
2. Income maintenance; distribution of cash in the event of interruption of employment, including retirement, disability and unemployment.
3. Basic General Security, African citizens access to basic necessities; such as food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care.African Independence and Sovereignty
So called free trade deals and world governmental organizations are a threat to independence as nations. They transfer power from our African governments to unelected foreign elites, such as the Communist Peoples Republic of China.
Withdrawal from all and any organizations and trade deals that infringe upon the freedom and independence of the African States.
VIDEO - Katanga the United Nations Betrayal
Katanga throughout its History has always been a separate Nation
If left to run Katanga by themselves black and white Katangese could have created a great multiracial nation and made famous success of it. Katanga would have been a shinning example to the rest of Africa, even the world. This magnificent occasion was lost in 1963, largely because the interference by an ignorant American administration, which knew nothing of Africa on the one hand, and the stupidity of the United Nations, which knew, even less on the other. As a result, the birth right of all Katangese black and white had been forfeited and the clock put back another twenty years.
Katanga throughout its History has always been a separate Nation. Katanga has always been a separate country from that so called DRC, Katanga is fundamentally different in many important respects from the other regions. It was only the drawing of arbitrary boundaries on a map in 1885 at some conference in Europe that had turned the Nation of Katanga into part of the DRC, a hodgepodge of over two hundred twenty different Tribes. Geographically too Katanga and the other provinces were different. The Katangese terrain for a start was high and open, mostly ranch type country unsuitable for agriculture, unlike the rest of the other regions. Then again the Katangese spoke Swahili, the other regions spoke Chiluba, Lingala and Kikongo. The Katangese find irksome and impractical to be ruled by a remote legislature in Kinshasa some 2,500km away. Ethnically Katanga’s People are entirely separate from the other Tribes in the DRC as well.
The difference between the Katangese and the People of Bas-Kongo is as marked as that between a Ukrainian in Russia and a Flamand in Belgium.
The tragedy of the Katangese politics is that Katanga between 1961 an 1963 had become a political football game. Too many outsiders, many of them newly independent African states like Ghana, with no real knowledge of the country or its problems, where involved in deciding its future, for that reason that had nothing whatever to do with the DRC. Even the Belgians themselves had done much to force Patrice Lumumba on the DRC as its first prime minister – Lumumba, an ex-postal clerk who had to be taken out of prison, where he was serving a sentence for petty theft, in order to attend the very conference in Brussels which then brought him to power! And why? Because the Belgian government wanted a unitary state so that Belgium could perpetuate its control of the DRC, and Lumumba was the only politician whose manifesto would have permitted that policy.
Edouard Lambrette
In "The Road to Kalamata", Page 111
Were a map of the so called Belgium Congo Central Southern Africa laid upon a map of Europe, with the mouth of the Congo River where France and Spain meet at Biarritz, the boundaries of the Congo would reach south to the heel of Italy, to Greece, to Smyrna; east to Constantinople and Odessa; northeast to St. Petersburg and Finland, and northwest to the extreme limits of Scotland.
Africa Federation , Federación Áfricana , Afrika Federation , 아프리카 연맹 , Afrika Föderation , Afrikka liitto , アフリカ連合 , Afrika Federatie , Африка Федерации , Fédération Afrique , África Federação