Comrade Dictator Jose Eduardo dos Santos with the Communist Hugo Chavez
Biography of Jose Eduardo dos Santos
Jose Eduardo dos Santos was born in the Island and Country of Sao Tome in the village of Almeirim where he studied until the fourth class (that is primary School education).
His mother (Jacinta José Paulino) is of descent from people from Guinea and Cape Verde mixed with Sao Tomense after having immigrating to the island country of Sao Tome from Cape Verde due to the draught and hunger affecting that island.
Jose Eduardo dos Santos Father (Avelino Eduardo dos Santos) had originally as his family name Vandunen. The Vandunen are originally descendent from slaves, and they are from a Dutch polygamous father that had several offspring's from different African women.This name Vandunen comes from the Slaves and says nothing from the culture of Angola.
The Vandunen gathered a reputation for acting as mercenaries, assassins and thieves, this being the main reasons for the Father of Jose Eduardo dos Santos being ashamed of the name Vandunen and removed this name from his full name.
Jose Eduardo dos Santos is not an engineer of petroleum as he claims. Jose Eduardo dos Santos is lying to the people because he only studied until the 6th class in the High School of Salvador Correia in Luanda, after his parents immigrated to Angola.
He worked in a restaurant in Luanda and after an incident of removal and food theft, the Police agency PIDE was requested to apprehend him, thus is when he skipped as a fugitive to the neighbouring Congo.
Once in the Congo the MPLA Comrade Daniel Chipenda placed the fugitive Jose Eduardo dos Santos in a instruction course of telecommunications listening financed by the KGB, and it was due to this reason that Comrade Agostinho Neto placed him as the chief of the Communications DISA. This was his first work after 1975, and because of this Agostinho Neto placed him to commence fractionising the population and political manipulation of the society in order to establish a Communist State with the aid of the Russians and the Cubans.
Web sites presumably official and purporting to be portals of the MPLA communist workers party and others being from angolan embassies spread in different areas of the world, and lets not forget wikipedia which has is more than fare amount of communist sympathizers ending the site. Well they copying one from the other and giving one to the other as a source of reference, the fact remains that they claim the Mr. Jose Eduardo dos Santos was born and raised in a particular neighbourhood of Luanda, well, well indeed the one they mention had in fact people from Cape Verde and Sao Tome, but the most striking thing is that it was one of the most thought neighbourhoods and people knew one and each other, but voila no one has any recollection of Mr. Jose Eduardo dos Santos living there, in fact in any place within the borders of the colonial country "angola".The Knowledge of the origins of Mr. Jose Eduardo dos Santos is an open secret, everyone know the story and here are the links to two videos and music tracks portraying this parody.
Birth Certificate of Jose Eduardo dos Santos
Birth Certificate of Jose Eduardo dos Santos, Showing his original family name Van Dunem which latter was changed to dos Santos, also it is indicated the location of Almeirim which is in the island of Sao Tome.
ONCE UPON A TIME Jose Eduardo said in public the following in a speech.
"....When I had 5 years, when I arrived in the downtown of Luanda...."
"....Quando tinha 5 anos, quando chegou na baixa de Luanda...."
After that incident, Dr Jonas Savimbi asked: When he said he had arrived in the down town of Luanda when he had 5 years old, where did he arrived from? Where did he came from when he said the arrived in downtown Luanda when he was 5 years old.VIDEO
José Kitumba - Onde Te Pariram???
Carta-Mapa sobre a Cidade e Cercanias de Luanda dos anos 1939 aos anos 1942, das muitas cartas, mapas e livros consultados com fotografias antigas da época, mostram que durante os anos de 1939 a 1942 a Cidade de Luanda termina nas Barrocas de Miramar, que nos anos 1960 deram origem aos Jardins onde se encontra o Cine-Miramar, a Casa de Saúde de Luanda, e o Cemitério do Alto das Cruzes.
Os Muceques Bairros suburbanos existentes nos anos de 1939 a 1942 e na zona alta, eram;
- Bairro Operário,
- Bairro Rangel,
- Bairro Marçal,
E mais a sul abrangendo o Alto da Maianga algumas cubatas que dariam início ao Bairro Muceque Prenda.Sobre o Sambizanga Nem Traços entre 1939 a 1942 Não Existe!!!!
José Eduardo dos Santos alias Kitumba
Onde Te Pariram?
Wikipedia "Contributors" giving the Dictator Jose Eduardo dos Santos
an Engineer Degree in PetroleumThis section is taken out from the propaganda web page of the MPLA Peoples Party (Communist Party).
And looking at the dates, there is no chance that Mr. Jose Eduardo dos Santos could have gone to Russia for a Oil Engineer Degree. Also the MPLA official web page does not mentions any such degree as well. Taking into consideration that this would be considered a major achievement it seems odd to say the least that the MPLA Comrades Totalitarian Party have "forgotten" to mention this intellectual and academic achievement of their murderous and deep ignorant leader.But in Wikipedia from (night to day) "voila" Mr. Jose Eduardo dos Santos (a son of a Sao Tome brick layer) could not have gone to Russia or Timbuktu for a degree, as it was economical impossible to him to afford such studies.
People in Angola, who are still alive knew personally this communist and murderous individual, as having only two shirts and only a couple of suits, how could this criminal afford to go to Russia for his Engineer degree, and if he had been there and made his degree (3 to 4 years minimum) then there is no time in the description of his activities and exiled years in Congo Brazzaville.
From the MPLA Web Site:
"Após a eclosão da luta contra a ocupação colonial, em 4 de Fevereiro de 1961, José Eduardo dos Santos, então com 19 anos, abandonou em Novembro desse mesmo ano o país e passou a coordenar no exterior a actividade da Juventude do MPLA(organismo de que é um dos fundadores). Integrou em 1962 o EPLA (Exército Popular de Libertação de Angola), participando na preparação das condições para a abertura da 2ª Região Político-Militar. Em 1963 foi o primeiro representante do MPLA em Brazzaville/ Congo. Nesse mesmo país, depois de terminados os seus estudos superiores, frequentou durante um ano um curso Militar de Telecomunicações, que o habilitou a exercer, de 1970 a 1974, sucessivamente as funções de Operador do Centro Principal de Comunicações da Frente Norte e Responsável-adjunto dos Serviços de Telecomunicações na 2ª Região Político-Militar do MPLA (Cabinda). Em 1974, José Eduardo dos Santos é designado membro da Comissão Provisória de Reajustamento da Frente Norte, responsável das Finanças da 2ª Região, e desempenha novamente as funções de Representante do MPLA em Brazzaville, até Junho de 1975."http://web.archive.org/web/20100828013436/http://www.mpla-angola.org/opresidente.php
So lets hope that common sense sinks in, and that we can see what is obvious, and lets not allow the good nature on which the Wikipedia project was founded and based, to be a place where totalitarian communist regimes use this space, and wikipedia inadvertently becomes perceived as a tool to validate their Regimes.
We citizens of the world, as freemen and humans, we must not allow this space to be used with the aim to prize this (or other) criminal murderous Communist Dictators.Wikipedia offering degrees, lets give him now an MBA as well
The following is on the so called Greek web site of the MPLA Regime embassy in Greece.
Oddly enough it is not in Greek but conveniently in English.
Lets see what it says:"He (Jose Eduardo dos Santos) was awarded a scholarship in 1963 to study in the Soviet Union where he received a degree in petroleum engineering. Upon graduation in 1969, he stayed in the Soviet Union to continue his studies in Communications."
Does the "web master" of the web page of the MPLA Regime in Greece known more than the web master of the MPLA Party where he has been the EL Capo for the last 33 Years and counting.Oddly enough, when we went to the so called webpage and placed the link on the internet Archive site, we found that "voilà" the page is a very recent addition to the site of the Embassy of the MPLA Regime in Greece, oddly enough for an Embassy not to have the page in the native language of the Country in which is located instead the morons have the page in portuguese and English, well maybe the Greek people are expected to known portuguese and English, or maybe the crap propaganda which is written there is not meant to be read by the Greeks after all but to pursue to validate a ludicrous claim of a totally fake and fraudulent claims to a Engineer degree in petroleum, to the to that site in fact so recent that the internet Archive site had no record of it so the first record it now as is from today and here is the link for perpetuity.
http://liveweb.archive.org/http://www.angolanembassy.gr/English/BIOGRAPHY.htmTHE DATES DON'T ADD UP
So they say that he went to Russia in 1963-1969. But hold on for a minute haven't they said in the Comrades MPLA Party that he went to Brazzaville.
Then they say that he staid in Russia to finish is studies in communication from 1969 to 1970? Hold on how can he finish is studies in something so when did he started?
"Now lets see what the MPLA Party web site says: Em 1963 foi o primeiro representante do MPLA em Brazzaville/ Congo. Nesse mesmo país, depois de terminados os seus estudos superiores, frequentou durante um ano um curso Militar de Telecomunicações, que o habilitou a exercer, de 1970 a 1974"
It says that he went to Brazzaville, Congo then in that same country he finished is superior studies (please note that this superior studies imply and refer to high school) then he went to make a telecommunication course, which allowed him to work as a telecommunication operator from 1970 to 1974. We are now very confused so he never went to make a communication's course if he started in 1970.
May the light of wisdom illuminate our minds,
Mangovo Ngoyo Mwana KabindaSAMBIZANDA
In Wikipedia (5 August 2012) it states the following:
" Life and career
Eduardo dos Santos, born in the district of Sambizanga in Luanda,
[4] a b W. Martin James and Susan Herlin Broadhead, Historical Dictionary of Angola (2004), Scarecrow Press, page 145. "The area known as Sambizanda did not exist in 1942, the City of Luanda in 1942 ended and was urbanized only up to Kinachiche sector. The area or municipality today known as Kinachiche was in 1942 the very end of the city of Luanda, thus Sambizanda had no planed urbanization with no houses, roads, water nor electricity.
With this fact in mind, on the 2nd of August 2012 the UNITA Member of the Republic of Angolan Parliament, Dr Makuta Nkondo officially requested that the said José Eduardo dos Santos, produce and show to the Angolan Parliament his birth certificate. The National Assembly (Angolan Parliament) decided instead to start a disciplinary process to Dr Makuta Nkondo. Nkondo.In Wikipedia (14 August 2012) it states the following:
"According to the official sources [6] Eduardo dos Santos, born in the (then) slum district of Sambizanga in Luanda"
No proof of origin
Serious concerns (Assis Malaquias suggests the possibility that Eduardo dos Santos was born in São Tomé instead of Luanda) exist has Comrade Dictator Jose Eduardo dos Santos speaks no native language of Angola, furthermore has no native name which makes it virtually impossible to pin point is native origin.
In 1999 UNITA issued a statement concerning the matter:
"The African Angolans issue a firm challenge to Eduardo dos Santos, to produce conclusive proof of his real place of birth and of his parents. UNITA has the right and duty to make available to the Angolan people, the information it possesses related to the true origin of Eduardo dos Santos."
Paul Bogdanor points out: "Cuban military intervention in support of the communist MPLA dictatorship in Angola led to decades of civil war that cost 1 million lives.
Eight opposition parties rejected the 1992 election as rigged. An official observer wrote that there was little UN supervision, that 500,000 UNITA voters were disenfranchised and that there were 100 clandestine polling stations.
UNITA sent peace negotiators to the capital, where the MPLA murdered them, along with 20,000 UNITA members.
Savimbi was still ready to continue the elections. The MPLA then massacred tens of thousands of UNITA voters nationwide. Human rights observers have accused the MPLA of 'genocidal atrocities,' 'systematic extermination,' 'war crimes' and 'crimes against humanity.'"
Information Updated on the 21 January 2011
The MPLA Regime sent the MPLA Troops to Ivory Coast in plain civilian cloths, once weapons and uniforms where supplied to them in Abidjan. This is a old Soviet Era style trick one of sending Military Personnel in plain civilian cloths and once arrived at destination they are supplied with weapons and uniforms.
The MPLA Regime mercenaries where sent to Abidjan, Ivory Coast in this way and manner as informed by the family and friends in Luanda who speak on the phone with them from Abidjan where they will stay to support militarily the ousted president Gbagbo and shoot to kill civilians in the same way, and fashion they do in Angola.
While Angola MPLA Mercenaries in Ivory Coast kill 200
and another 14,000 flee Ivory coast strife
26 December 2010The MPLA Regime of Angola sent 300 armed military men to kill and who ever opposes Gbagbo the aim is to maintain Mr. Gbagbo in power for ever. The same happened in Zimbabwe when the MPLA Regime after the elections sent 1500 Riot Police to Zimbabwe to shoot to kill any one opposing the regime of Mugabe.
In Angola in the last elections that the MPLA Regime declared a ridiculous 80% win vote, the UNITA and all opposition parties where advised by the media that if they contested the elections the MPLA Regime would send its troops to the streets to shoot and kill anyone opposing the MPLA Fraud and totally absurd 80% election results.
So be very aware and informed that the Angolan Troops sent by the MPLA Regime are there to shoot to kill agenda. Be warned and be safe act accordingly, and get help from the international community to send troops to protect the People and the Republic of Ivory Coast. When Gbagbo had himself sworn in over international objections on December 4, Angola's was one of the only ambassadors not to boycott the ceremony. Angolan MPLA Dictator Jose Eduardo dos Santos, who has been in power since 1979.Mangovo Ngoyo
MPLA Vote Rigging on the elections of September 29 and September 30, 1992
Vote-rigging was widespread in the recent Angolan election, where the ruling MPLA party was expected to win by a landslide, Enrico Gervasoni an EU observer said.
Unaccounted votes of Dr. Savimbi where found on the floor of Aircraft Hangers and clear actions of vote rigging were noticeable throughout the election process.
2008 MPLA Vote Rigging
LUANDA, Angola, Sept. 8 (UPI) - Vote-rigging was widespread in the recent Angolan election, where the ruling MPLA party was expected to win by a landslide, an EU observer said.
Election observer Richard Howitt told the BBC he received reports that the governing party offered bribes and that soldiers and MPLA officials apparently intimidated voters.
In the run-up to Friday's election, Unita accused the MPLA of intimidating supporters and dominating state media.
With more than two-thirds of the votes counted, the MPLA had 82 percent and the opposition Unita 10.5 percent after Friday's voting. The elections are the first in Angola for 16 years.
Howitt told the BBC there had been "massive hand-outs" of money, televisions, radios, alcohol and cars. Observers also received reports of people crossing borders from neighboring countries to cast ballots in Angola, he said.
Voters had to pass soldiers at the entrance to one polling station, he said.
"I personally saw representatives of the ruling party standing not just in the polling station, but in front of the booths where people were voting," Howitt told the BBC.
"Angola is run by criminals"
Bob Geldof, Songwriter and organiser of Live Aid at the Conference on sustainable development
Lisbon, 6 May 2008
Angola E O Tabu Sobre As Origens Dos Dirigentes
By Makuta NkondoQual é a origem etnolinguística do Presidente José Eduardo dos Santos, qual é o seu verdadeiro nome e qual é a sua língua materna? É tempo de revelar as origens dos dirigentes do topo à base, porque a manutenção do segredo sobre a sua identidade verdadeira ameaça a estabilidade politica do País. Em Angola, é comum ouvir pessoas questionarem a origem do Presidente da República, José Eduardo dos Santos.
O MPLA (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola) de que ele é o líder, assim como o seu governo, apresenta uma Biografia lacónica de José Eduardo dos Santos (JES) em que afirmam que este é natural do Município de Sambizanga, em Luanda.
Ultimamente, foi a vez do “Semanário Angolense” (SA) a publicar uma longa peça sobre a origem, a infância e a juventude de José Eduardo dos Santos, afirmando que o líder do MPLA nasceu em Sambizanga, nas imediações do Mercado de São Paulo de Luanda.
Para identificar alguém, não basta dizer que ele nasceu no bairro tal. Sabe-se que as cidades e vilas são cosmopolitas e como tal elas são habitadas por pessoas oriundas de várias origens etnolinguísticas.
O Bairro Sambizanga é povoado de pessoas de origem Kikongo, Kimbundu, Umbundu, Ngangela, Tshokwe, Luvale, Mbundas, Kuanhama, Inhaneka Nkumbi, Mukuvale, Caboverdeana, Saotomense, Moçambicana, Portuguesa e agora Chinesa.
O Presidente José Eduardo dos Santos pertence a que Etnia, Tribo, Clã e Linhagem? Ele é nkongo ou mukongo (singular de bakongo, pessoas de etnia Kikongo), Kimbundu ou Umbundu? O malogrado Presidente da UPA-FNLA, Holden Roberto, afirmava que José Eduardo dos Santos é originário da comuna de Kindezi (ex-Beça Monteiro), Município do Nzeto, Província do Zaire, mas não precisava o seu Kanda (clã ou família no contexto bantu) assim como as suas aldeias paterna e materna.
Em África e principalmente para o povo bantu, o local de nascimento pouco importa para a identidade de uma pessoa. O que importa é o seu sangue. Um filho sempre tem a origem dos seus progenitores, independemente do local onde nasceu.
Não é mal questionar a origem de um Presidente da República. Buscar saber donde é o chefe de Estado não se deve confundir a um insulto ou a uma humilhação ou falta de respeito. Pelo contrario!
Da mesma maneira que um filho deve saber detalhadamente a origem dos seus progenitores, pai e mãe, os cidadãos de um país devem conhecer a origem do seu Presidente da República assim como as de todos os outros dirigentes do país, do topo à base.
Mesmo as origens das autoridades tradicionais, Regedores, Sobas e Séculos, devem ser conhecidas. Os antepassados paternos e maternos de José Eduardo dos Santos são de que País, Etnias, Tribos, Clãs e Linhagens? Antes da chegada do colonialismo (português) em África, os bisavôs de JES eram donde?
Quais são as aldeias paternas e maternas do Presidente José Eduardo dos Santos e qual é a sua língua de origem?
É aconselhável que o Governo ou o MPLA revelem as origens das pessoas que dirigem Angola. Que o MPLA deixe de ser egoísta em relação a origem do seu líder, JES.
É tempo de revelar as origens, os verdadeiros nomes, as aldeias e as línguas maternas de todos os membros do Governo (Ministros, Vice-Ministros, Secretários de Estado, Governadores de Província e de Bancos públicos, Directores Nacionais, PCA- Presidentes de Conselhos de Administração - de Empresas públicas, etc), das Forças Armadas Angolanas e Policia Nacional, Diplomacia, dos Deputados à Assembleia Nacional, dos Tribunais Supremo, Constitucional e de Contas, da Procuradoria geral da República e da Procuradoria Militar.
Os Partidos políticos, incluindo os da Oposição, devem igualmente publicar as origens dos seus líderes e de membros dos seus Comité Central.
O povo quer saber também a origem dos antepassados do vice-presidente, Fernando Dias dos Santos “Nandó”. Laconicamente, Nandó é apresentado como sendo natural da Barra do Dande, Província do Bengo. Esta identidade não é clara um Vice-Presidente da República, sobretudo quando se sabe que Barra do Dande era um porto marítimo onde desembarcaram pessoas de várias procedências, dos países da África do Oeste, antigos estivadores de navios.
Muitos destes oeste-africanos fixaram-se em Barra do Dande onde casaram e fizeram filhos.
A que Etnia, Tribo, Clã, Linhagem pertence Nandó e como se chama a aldeia da sua mãe e a do seu pai na Comuna da Barra do Dande e qual é a sua língua local?
A propósito da identidade nacional, deve-se ter em conta a mistura de pessoas de várias origens que se regista nas cidades portuárias como Luanda, Benguela, Cabinda, Lobito, Namibe e Tombua, assim como nas Estações do Caminho-deferro de Benguela (CFB) habitadas por antigos trabalhadores katangueses e soldados do Exercito Vermelho de Moise Tshombé que fugiram a guerra de Secessão da Província de Katanga, República Democrática do Congo (RDC).
Por causa do Porto de Lobito e do CFB, existem muitos ovimbundu falsos, da mesma maneira que há muitos bakongo, kimbundu e tchokwe falsos devido às fazendas agrícolas do café, algodão e cana de açúcar, e de empresas de diamantes, nas suas Provincias.
De igual modo, os angolanos são sedentos de conhecer as origens do Chefe de Estado-maior General das FAA, o general Fortunato, como também do Ministro das Relações Exteriores, Assunção dos Anjos.
Muitos dizem que Assunção dos Anjos identifica-se como sendo natural da Província de Malange, sem precisar em que Município, Comuna e Aldeia. Outro questionamento refere-se às origens do actual Ministro dos Assuntos Parlamentares, Norberto dos Santos “Kwatakanawa” e do Primeiro Vice-Presidente da Assembleia Nacional, João Lourenço.
Os Presidentes nomeadamente do Tribunal Supremo, Tribunal Constitucional, Tribunal de Contas assim como os Presidentes dos Conselhos de Administração (PCA) do Banco Nacional de Angola, do Banco de Poupança e Credito e outros Bancos públicos e o Procurador- geral da República são oriundos donde?
O povo quer saber com clareza as origens de todas as pessoas que exercem os cargos de soberania nacional. Pois, como diz uma sabedoria kikongo, “O ngumbe kete nkayi, enkula zamalu kalendi zo kaya ko” (Mesmo generosa, a perdiz não oferece a tinta das suas pernas).
Da maneira que não se deixa uma filha casar com um homem desconhecido, que os bakongo chamam por Mfumbiankenge (fantasma), não se entrega o poder de uma família (Kanda, clã), de uma comunidade e muito menos de um país à uma pessoa intrusa.
No Reino do Kongo, alguém queria candidatar-se a Ntotela (Autoridade máxima dos bakongo que outros chamam por Rei ou Imperador). Os Mbanda-Banda (Conselheiros) de Ntotela pediram para que a candidatura seja acompanhada de uma informação detalhada sobre os makanda (singular Kanda, clã) paterno e materno do candidato.
Como o mesmo não pertencia a nenhum kanda kikongo, ele abandonou a iniciativa, calou-se e como vingança, organizou uma revolta armada contra o poder do Kongo, Wene wa Kongo (Reino ou Império do Kongo). Para os bakongo, um Kanda – que pode ser definido também como sendo uma família no conceito bantu – deve ser chefiado por um membro genuíno eleito. É o Nkulubundu ou Nkazi (Chefe de Kanda).
Um intruso ou escravo nunca pode dirigir um cla (Kanda). Os bakongo identificam-se pelo luvila – nome de makanda – e não pelos nomes. Makuta Nkondo é quem? Ele é Miala mia Nzinga (clã materno) e neto de Ntumb´a Mvemba.
A sua aldeia materna é Yenga, Comuna de Kinsimba, a paterna Nsenge, ambas no Município do Tomboko, Província do Zaire. A sua língua é Kikongo. Na sua comunidade ele (Makuta Nkondo) é chamado por Mpetelo. Antes do colonialismo português, os antepassados de Makuta Nkondo eram originários do “Reino ou Império” do Kongo. O tabu sobre as origens dos dirigentes e líderes políticos é perigoso para o País, comparável a um vulcão adormecido ou um furúnculo que acabará por rebentar.
Fonte: Angolense
Official List of Crimes Committed by: The Criminal Ring Leader Jose Eduardo dos Santos and his Henchmen Gang of the MPLA Communist Regime
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